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Several  works with journalistic purposes produced for forigner and domestic magazines and newspapers.

Report about the legacy of Dorothy Stang in Amazon for The Intercept Brazil. December, 2019.

Report on sacred fishing in the Kamayurá community in Xingú in the National Geografic magazine that received the Best Edit award among the international editions in 2016.

Reportage "Rituals of Liberation"for the National Geographic Magazine - Brazil and Spain, 2018.

The life of Pope Francisco in Buenos Aires, report the magazine Il Papa from Italy, Mondadore, 2016.

Report about the Witchdoct Master Adão in the Komunity of the Kalungas, Brazil. 2014.

Members of the PCC criminal organization, São Paulo. Der Spiegel Magazine, 2011.

Reportage about Monk Gino in Amazon for the book "24 hous in the life of the Catholic Church". Vaticano/Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, 2005.

Families without a home. Recife, PE. O Estado de São Paulo Journal, 2000.

Protest against the Chávez government. Caracas, Venezuela.

Evangelical Churches in Brazil. Die Zeit Magazine, Germany, 2006.

Reportagem Os Agudas, Benin. Revista National Geografic

Paiter Surui Indians and their use of technology to save the forest. Apetanha village, Cacoal, Rondônia. Reportage for Google, 2015.

Ilegal timber in Pará, Amazon. Der Spiegel Magazine, 2011.

Transporte de madeira na rodovia Transamazônica. Revista Der Spiegel


National Geografic Brasil, 2014

Exportação de bananas orgânicas. Machala, Equador. Revista Der Spiegel

Chegada da energia elétrica na tribo Xincrim. Paropebas/PA. Revista Energia,

Frei Gino. Tabatinga, Amazonas. Livro 24 hrs da Igreja Católica, Vaticano

O misticismo de Codó, Maranhão. Revista National Geografic

Índios Baniwa. São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas SEBRAE

Índios Baniwa. São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas. SEBRAE

Pirilampo. Ilhéus, Bahia. Matéria não publicada

Virus Zica

Auana Editora, 2016


Editora Auana, 2014

Report about the Expedicionários da Saúde, a NGO of doctors who treat indigenous populations all over Brazil. Auana publishing house, 2015.


Editora Auana, 2014

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